jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

Mobile Location Privacy Bill

US Senators Al Franken and Richard Blumenthal proposed on Wednesday the Bill which would require that smartphone companies, app companies, app developers and  even phone companies to get customer’s expressed consent before collecting location information and sharing it with third parties.

The Bill called “Location Privacy Protection Act of 2011” would close loopholes that users know what location data is being collected and shared with third parties. Therefore, the consumers could decide if they consent to collection and share it.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

What is happening with the streaming in the U.S.? Bill wants to regulate the streaming as public performance

The U.S. Copyright is regulated in the Federal Copyright Act (U.S. Code).

Copyright Infringement and Remedies are regulated in the chapter 5, including the Criminal offenses. The Section 506 defines the Criminal offenses as illegal reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, but it doesn’t include illegal public performance.

The streaming could be considered a public performance right. The Copyright Act defines the reproduction and distribution felony but it doesn’t include illegal public performance. Whether the streaming is considered public performance, the Copyright Act wouldn’t define illegal streaming as felony.

Last month, Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn  and Chris Coons , US senators, presented the Bill to propose that the illegal streaming is a felony.
The news: